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Interview with Amy Marks: Advancing Prefabrication 2018

As an MMC consultant, what are the main challenges that you see stakeholders facing with regards to off-site work in the current market? Prefabrication techniques and expertise are growing in the market, but what’s holding the industry back are internal roadblocks. The current processes of how construction companies conceptualize, estimate, and procure work preclude the


Achieving Design and Construction Success with Prefabrication

Amy Kulka-Marks, USA Prefabrication Expert, Off-Site Program Manager and Singapore Government IPE Appointee, Appearing in Bangkok, Thailand from Wed, May 3 until Fri, May 5 ​ Apart from her riveting and high-energy keynote presentation, Ms Kulka-Marks will be leading an unmissable full-day interactive workshop. The morning session will explore the off-site continuum, and impart key


Article: Manufactured Assemblies

The world of prefabricated construction goes beyond the washroom pods and classroom modules that often first come to mind— “pods and mods” as Amy Marks, president of XSite Modular, put it at a recent symposium organized by PCL to launch their expanded facility. Instead, says Marks, there’s a continuum of off-site construction methods. These range


Scaling New Heights in Building Technology Using Prefabrication

USA Prefabrication and Modern Methods of Construction Expert Amy Kulka-Marks appearing as conference chairman and keynote speaker in Sydney, Australia, from Tue Feb 28 until Thu Mar 2. ​ Modular construction and prefabrication provides cost and schedule certainty, while drastically reducing on-site man-hours, by removing significant work from the building site and enabling a concurrent


Article: Modern Construction Methods Making Headway in Perth

A building revolution is beginning in Western Australia as builders reconsider their traditional double brick walls and the concrete suspended slab model for two-story houses. One builder in Perth is leading the way by evolving to using the stiffest structural system in the park and building with prefabricated cassettes. The results are lowered construction costs


Interview with Amy Marks: Modern Methods Of Construction

During a feature interview with Sourceable, XSite Modular’s Amy Marks makes a compelling case for clients to rethink how they buy their construction projects in future. She explains the benefits of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), including improving construction productivity, avoiding waste and lowering overall construction costs. During the interview she also covers: The emergence


Barriers to prefab construction in Australia (and how to break them)

Interview with Amy Marks – by Stephanie McDonald ​ People often only think of prefabrication as only volumetric boxes. Prefabrication or off-site is actually a continuum of elements ranging from intelligent materials, components, subassemblies and also volumetric modules. Many of these elements are invisible to the design and are integrated at the system level like


Article: 21st Century Prefab Offers New Opportunities

Prefabrication 21st century-style is much more than the prefabrication of complete homes and apartment modules. Although relatively well known, these ‘volumetric’ modules are just one incarnation of prefabrication. More broadly, prefabrication involves the transformation of how we think about the construction industry and what project efficiency really means, like supply chain implications for mechanical sub-assemblies