Critical Infrastructure Buildings In The Pacific Region
Why XSite Modular?
Because We Build Typhoon-Proof Buildings
When Yutu slammed into Tinian, Rota, and other islands in the Pacific region, it was a Category 5 typhoon and the worst storm in recorded history. The damage was severe — more than 3,000 homes were destroyed — but our modular cable landing stations on Tinian and Rota we installed for Docomo Pacific were untouched.
A containerized cable landing station building at the same location was blown 300 yards off the site.
XSite’s engineered, optimized, and productized approach means we are able to customize our critical infrastructure buildings (CIB) for our clients’ specific power, cooling, and space requirements — including the risk of super-storms. “We were very happy to hear everyone was safe, first and foremost,” says our CEO Amy Marks. “We’re really purposeful about our buildings being hardened and making sure everyone gets a building designed for the requirements at their location.”
Our steel and concrete facilities including modular cable landing stations, data centers, PFE shelters, and ILA huts are constructed in the United States by experienced, specialty tradesmen and women. Once constructed and tested, we ship, install and commission our facilities in the Pacific Region. We’ve created critical infrastructure cable landing stations on Tinian, Rota, the Philippines, Rota, Tinian, Auki, Honiara, Noro, Taro, Port Moresby, Hawaii, Baler, Pantabagan, Rosario, San Fernando, San Jose, Santa Maria, Batam, Indonesia, and in Hawaii.
In addition, we offer complete turnkey services including marine permitting, terrestrial permitting, civil and site work, engaging a local architect and engineer of record, preventative maintenance, and ongoing facilities operation.
XSite’s transformative approach allows us to dramatically reduce risk for our clients by providing a turnkey modular facility that delivers time-sensitive and critical infrastructure to often challenging locations such as Aleutian Islands, American Samoa, Ta’u, Cook Islands, Micronesia, British Columbia, and more.
We can also work with the local municipalities to engage the local workforce and train local operators and maintenance personnel. We believe in community!
Constructed in the United States and installed
in 17 locations throughout the Pacific Region
Our experienced team has set buildings on six of the seven continents.
The Modular Cable Landing Station Facility
Designed to Fit Your Critical Infrastructure Needs
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